Getting Started with ABB & ROS Industrial


I succeeded in following the tutorials found in the abb/Tutorials for installing and operating an ABB robot using the ROS Industrial interface.

This tutorial covered multiple things:

1. Walk-through guide of installing the ROS Server code on the ABB robot controller and in RobotStudio.
2. Running the ABB ROS Server to execute motion commands sent from the ROS client node.

I also followed this tutorial to run motion commands from a Linux PC. This tutorial covered the commands that I needed to get started of moving the ABB in both RobotStudio and the physical robot.

To enable the robot in RobotStudio from my Windows PC to move from commands sent by the ROS client in my Linux PC, I had to disable some firewall securities. Using these two web pages (Google Forum and Allow Pings), I was able to allow communication between two PCs.

Looking at the rapid code provided by the abb/Tutorials, I figured that I needed to run the physical robot in auto mode to move the ABB at a specified speed. At the moment, as it is on teaching mode, the speed that the robot moves is default to z10.

Therefore, I will need the key to switch mode! In addition, I will have to be wary of the robot's workspace and run the robot at a slow speed until I am confident that I can constrain the robot movements.



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