
Showing posts from February 3, 2019

Installing ROS & OpenCV

Hi! I have successfully installed ROS Kinetic and OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi 3 with an OS of Raspbian Stretch. The whole process took more than a day! I initially installed OpenCV by cloning the official repository from its GitHub page, however I had problems compiling cv_bridge when installing ROS due to version issues. Therefore, I had to install OpenCV version 3 from source, as the previous version was not accepted. As I used a Toshiba Exceria 16GB SD Card, I only had 500MB left after installing OpenCV, therefore I removed the LibreOffice packages, MineCraft Pi and Wolfgram Engine to free up some disk space. Listed below are the two main websites I followed for instructions: Installing ROS Kinetic on the Raspberry Pi Raspbian Stretch: Install OpenCV 3 + Python on your Raspberry Pi Immanuel

Choosing a robot

Hi! After running some tests on both Dobot Magician and the ABB IRB 120, I have decided to use the ABB IRB 120 for my final year project. Below are some of my reasons for choosing ABB IRB 120: The ABB IRB 120 has a maximum reach of 580 mm compared to Dobot Magician with only 320 mm. As the size of table is unknown at the moment, it is best to choose a robot that is most compatible with different table dimensions. The ABB IRB 120 has a total of 6 axis compared to Dobot Magician with only 4. Generally, the path that the robot will take when programmed to a position is unknown when using Inverse Kinematics, more axis means greater orientation and position can be reached. The Dobot Magician is still an ongoing project whereas the ABB IRB 120 has been established as an industrial manipulator. Therefore there are more documentation and support from the company and its community. The ABB IRB 120 has the ability to reach below its base, therefore extra functionalities can be added to